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Ecole du 13 reg, Gen Gouraud 1917 - General Henri Gouraud at a training exercise for the 13th regiment, 1917

  • Ecole du 13 reg, Gen Gouraud 1917 - General Henri Gouraud at a training exercise for the 13th regiment, 1917
Image Id 3497
Contributor The Jordan/Ference Collection
Theatre Western Front
Subject Training
Location Unknown
Regiment Unknown
Service Arm Unknown
Battle Unknown
Date 1917
Combatants French, British
Publisher Amateur Stereographers (Collections)
Source French
Directory OfficersAndBalloons
Glass Size 6 x 13cm
Search Keywords Unknown


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  1. Steve CSun, 22/08/2021 18:10

    The "Officers and Balloons" set of images have been inscribed on the back with captions which are difficult to read. In this case we have taken '13 reg' to mean the 13th Regiment and 'Ecole' to indicate some sort of training exercise.

    Note the presence of British officers amongst their French counterparts.