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Bezonvaux, pièce 155 enlisé au Fond des Rousses - Bezonvaux, a 155mm artillery piece bogged down at Fond des Rousses

  • Bezonvaux,  pièce 155 enlisé au Fond des Rousses - Bezonvaux,  a 155mm artillery piece bogged down at Fond des Rousses

Notes on this stereoview

Bezonvaux is one of the "villages détruit", villages that were destroyed and not rebuilt after the war. The minor fortification Ouvrage de Bezonvauz was situated south of the village.

Image Id 4867
Contributor The Jordan/Ference Collection
Theatre Western Front
Subject Battle Aftermath
Location Verdun, Bezonvaux
Regiment Unknown
Service Arm Unknown
Battle Verdun
Date 18 November 1918
Combatants Unknown
Publisher The Honorat Collection
Source French
Directory Honorat
Glass Size 45 x 107mm
Search Keywords Unknown


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